Thursday, September 3, 2009

#4 Highlight of Trip to Portland

Food Part 2

Imagine waking up every day and having the foods of the world at your beck and call all within a city block radius. If you were so inclined you would have the opportunity to breakfast in Europe, lunch in Eastern Asia, have a mid-day snack in South America and dine in the Middle East. Downtown Portland offers just such a wonderland. An entire city block, with some spillage onto a few side streets, is lined with food carts of almost every conceivable ethnicity. Say you have a hankering for falafel, but would rather include a side of sesame noodles rather than a cucumber salad, no problem just slide down a few carts, and why you are at it grab an empanada to round out the meal. I didn’t verify the fact, but I believe that every continent was represented. Well maybe not, I didn’t happen to see any Vegemite or Penguin offerings.

The tragedy was that we only had one afternoon to enjoy the cornucopia, limiting the experience to a frustrating few choices. If I never have the chance at a Vietnamese Banh Mi at some point in the near future my life will become a pale shadow of what it should be. And who would have thought those Bosnians could whip up such a tasty sandwich, spinach pie thingy. Yum.

I would like to know who I petition to get a Cartland installed in my Utah suburb? Within walking distance of my school, if you please.

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